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Stationary Oxygen Concentrator Comparison

stationary oxygen concentrator

Oxygen concentrators have become the oxygen source of choice, leaving oxygen tanks to older medical supply companies that still have them in inventory. Oxygen concentrators offer greater convenience and flexibility for oxygen patients. They are reliable, safe and offer greater freedom and independence. Some concentrators are highly performance, operating from multiple power sources.

Here is more detail of the top stationary oxygen concentrators comparison on the market, so you can see the differences in the six styles of 5L oxygen concentrators.

stationary concentrator comparison 2

3B Medical Stratus 5 repair parts: HEPA filter, Bacterial filter

Philips Everflo 5L repair parts: Molecular sieve, Valve, Flowmeter, Filter, Pressure Regulator

Invacare Perfecto2 repair parts: Filter, Molecular sieve

Devilbiss 525 repair parts: Molecular sieve, Pressure Regulator

Airsep VisionAire5 repair parts: Molecular sieve

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